Frequently Asked Questions
When/where is 3rd Thursday?
3rd Thursday Street Fest is the third Thursday of May through September.
It is from 6-9pm right on Main Street between Walnut St and Jillson Square in Willimantic, CT.
Free to Park and Free to Attend!
2025 Dates are May 15th, June 19th, July 17th, August 21st, and September 18th
How much does it cost to attend?
Entrance to 3rd Thursday is totally free and so is parking! Just bring yourself and your friends!
Donations are greatly appreciated and welcomed!
3rd Thursday is paid for by individual contributions, button/t-shirt/cup purchases, in-kind donations by local businesses, beer/wine sales, our large sponsors: the Town of Windham, The Leo J. and Rose Pageau Trust, Berkshire Bank, the Thread City Hop Fest, and a generous grant by CT VISIT (ERTD).
If you want to help us too, and we hope you do, visit the info booth in MidTown during the fest to make a donation OR mail us at WRI, PO BOX 866, Willimantic, CT 06226
What is there to do at 3rd Thursday?
Whether it's listening to live music from local/regional bands, shopping from over 100 vendors along the street, jumping in a bounce house, taking in a street performance, or sampling from a wide variety of authentic local cuisine (20 food trucks/stations/merchants) ....3rd Thursday has something for everyone!
You can find a full list of vendors, food, and entertainment for our upcoming street fest here: THINGS TO DO
How can I get involved?
We are always looking for volunteers!
If you are interested in helping out, please contact INFO. Even a few hours of your time can make a difference!
We have opportunities for many ages and abilities to contibute.
Thank you for your help!
Can I donate to 3rd Thursday?
Absolutely! To become a sponsor or friend, please visit DONATE and we will include you in the program, on the website, fb, and on posters at the fest!
On the day of the street fest, be sure to stop by the 3rd Thursday information booth, located in the Midtown area, where you can buy official buttons, cups, and t-shirts. The proceeds go right back into making 3rd Thursday happen!
Thank you for your generosity!
What if it rains?
We don't cancel the Fests with a threat of thunderstorms or chance of rain, because in the summer/early fall months, that is a daily forecast.
We will cancel with 80% chance or better of rain or extremely high winds.
Look for cancellations on the website, Facebook, listen to WILI AM, or check our answering machine: 860.450.0918
Can't control the weather and we hope for the best dry night possible!!
What are the Vendor Fees?
2025 Dates are May 15th, June 19th, July 17th, August 21st, and September 18th
FEST TIME: 6:00pm - 9:00pm SET UP starts at 5pm and CLEAN-UP must be completed by 9:30pm
3rd Thursday Street Fests offer you a wonderful opportunity to showcase your products, at a very low fee. Our mission includes promoting area artisans, crafters, small and home businesses. The Fests provide interactive exposure to a large audience of between 4-6,000 people each month. The 3rd Thursday Street Fests are dedicated to representing and including our entire diverse community in all our endeavors.
Vendor location preference will be given to local and seasonal vendors. The Street Fests are run by volunteers, so we appreciate your consideration in registering 2 weeks ahead and paying at least one week prior to the Fest.
Registration must be received via online registration 7 business days prior to event participation there is a $20 fee for late registrations. For a complete list of guidelines , select your vendor type and follow the instructions.
**Please note that the Willimantic Police Department requires any one selling items, be they vendors or entertainers, to get a permit with background check at the Police Department. It is $20 and may be denied to those with prior felonies.
Farmers, Artists and Crafters (entirely handmade by YOU)
FEES: For one 10' x 10' space $25 per Fest or $100 for the season.
Main Street Merchant –
FEES: Free for downtown storefront merchants. Whether you are a retail merchant or you provide a service, open your doors to new customers!
Vendors Distributing Information or Selling Products (anything not handmade)
Businesses with annual revenue over $50,000, or 3 or more employees (full-time equivalent)
FEES: For one 10' x 10' space. $45 per Fest or $180 for the Season.
Small Businesses with annual revenue under $50,000, or fewer than 3 employees (full-time equivalent)
FEES: For one 10' x 10' space. $35 per Fest or $140 for Season
Are you a Non-profit Offering a Free Interactive Children’s activity? Let us know and we may waive the fee.
Selling FOOD (2 applications required)
1. Street Fest Application STREET FEST FEES for one space, approximately 10 x 15- full season, May-Sept: $300, or $75 per Fest
2. Temporary Food Service Application MUST be submitted to the North Central District Health Department after/if you are accepted by 3rd Thursday Street Fests. Please Note: if a food vendor files after April 15th for the May fest- there’s an extra fee of $100 per month plus a $50 late fee if your application is late.